
Lots of people are afraid of mold and for a good reason. In large amounts, some types of mold can create health issues. Mold can also make your home look more rundown and less maintained. When it comes to carpet cleaning, you might wonder if it has the potential to cause mold. However, there’s less to worry about than you might think.

The Basics About Mold

Mold is located in every home. This isn’t something to worry about. It’s as normal as having dust, bacteria, and germs in a space. As long as it’s in small amounts, it won’t cause you any harm. However, since mold exists, it’s important to avoid conditions that let it grow and spread.

Mildew and mold thrive in places that are damp, dark, and lacking in air circulation. This is why mold is common in walls and under carpets where there’s little air and plenty of darkness. Improper cleaning and shampooing can cause mold growth so it’s better to contact a professional than to handle carpet cleaning on your own.

Does Carpet Cleaning Lead to Mold?

When you have your carpets professionally cleaned, you don’t need to worry about mold. Steam cleaning involves sanitizing carpets with extremely hot water. This kills any bacteria and organisms that might be present in the carpet. Since the carpet isn’t left sopping wet, mold cannot grow to cause you problems.

Professional carpet cleaning doesn’t leave your carpets wet for long. In most cases, the moisture lasts 12 hours or less. This prevents mold from growing. In addition, carpet technicians work to dry out the carpet quickly so you can go back to using your home normally as soon as possible.

Can Carpet Cleaning Help Resolve Mold Issues?

Now that you know professional cleaning doesn’t cause mold, you might wonder if it can help with it. After all, some people already have mold or mildew in their carpets and want to get them removed as quickly as possible. The good news is that professional carpet cleaning is a great way to resolve the problem.

Steam cleaning can pull out the mold from your carpet so you have less to worry about. However, you want to make an appointment as soon as you realize you have mold so it doesn’t have time to cause additional issues. Speak to an experienced carpet cleaning company to get rid of the mold quickly and efficiently.

Any good carpet cleaning company will handle your needs and do it without the prospect of causing mold. If you need excellent cleaning services for rugs and carpets, Green Gen Carpet and Fine Rug Cleaning are here to help. Reach out today to get started!

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