
Anytime you have a spill on the carpet, it should be cleaned up as quickly as possible. However, some stains can cause damage quickly. Spills can also leave odors embedded in the carpet that you would prefer not to smell. Below we’ll talk about the worst things you can spill on the carpet.


Bleach is made to keep your laundry white and bright so you may have some around the house. However, this substance should never reach the carpet. If even a small amount is spilled on a non-white surface, staining can be intense. Consider storing bleach in an area with tile flooring.

Red Wine and Grape Juice

The brightness of red wine and grape juice means they can leave lasting stains on the carpet. If you serve these things at parties, you’ve probably experienced the horror of seeing it spilled from a glass. The stain should be treated immediately by a professional.


Chocolate tastes great but it can be highly damaging to the carpet. This goes double for melted chocolate. It can be challenging to remove and may damage the carpet fibers. Most people aren’t going to refrain from eating chocolate, so bring in a carpet cleaner if it gets spilled on the floor.

Nail Polish

If you Google for remedies to remove nail polish on the carpet, you’ll find many recommendations. This makes it clear that it’s a common occurrence to spill it on the floor. However, most of the solutions you find online aren’t going to offer much relief. Steam cleaning is just about the only method that can pull nail polish out of the carpet.


Similar to grape juice and red wine, blood can cause serious stains on the carpet. It’s best to clean up this substance while it’s still wet, as it’s much more challenging to remove when dry. The longer you wait for the cleanup process, the less chance that you’ll get the stain up.


Ink is a great way to create documents and projects but it was made as a way to stain the paper. The problem is that it can also create stains on the carpet. If you happen to spill ink on the floor, a carpet cleaning company is a must.

Spills happen but some of them are worse than others. If you’ve had one of the spills above occur, you should look into Green-Gen Carpet and Fine Rug Cleaning. While you can pre-treat the stains in most cases, serious cleaning should be done by experts.

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